Results for 'Andrew M. Haun'

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  1.  12
    IIT is ideally positioned to explain perceptual phenomena.Andrew M. Haun - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    The target article's critique of the integrated information theory of consciousness is misguided on several fronts, which I hope are addressed in other comments, but here I focus on the connection between IIT and rigorous phenomenology, and IIT's connection to the psychophysics of perception.
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  2. How to Build a Thought.Andrew M. Bailey & Joshua Rasmussen - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):75-83.
    We uncover a surprising discovery about the basis of thoughts. We begin by giving some plausible axioms about thoughts and their grounds. We then deduce a theorem, which has dramatic ramifications for the basis of all thoughts. The theorem implies that thoughts cannot come deterministically from any purely “thoughtless” states. We expect this result to be too dramatic for many philosophers. Hence, we proceed to investigate the prospect of giving up the axioms. We show that each axiom’s negation itself has (...)
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  3. The elimination argument.Andrew M. Bailey - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (2):475-482.
    Animalism is the view that we are animals: living, breathing, wholly material beings. Despite its considerable appeal, animalism has come under fire. Other philosophers have had much to say about objections to animalism that stem from reflection on personal identity over time. But one promising objection (the `Elimination Argument') has been overlooked. In this paper, I remedy this situation and examine the Elimination Argument in some detail. I contend that the Elimination Argument is both unsound and unmotivated.
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    Pliny on Cicero and oratory: Self-fashioning in the public eye.Andrew M. Riggsby - 1995 - American Journal of Philology 116 (1):123-135.
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    Experience with a Revised Hospital Policy on Not Offering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.Andrew M. Courtwright, Emily Rubin, Kimberly S. Erler, Julia I. Bandini, Mary Zwirner, M. Cornelia Cremens, Thomas H. McCoy & Ellen M. Robinson - 2020 - HEC Forum 34 (1):73-88.
    Critical care society guidelines recommend that ethics committees mediate intractable conflict over potentially inappropriate treatment, including Do Not Resuscitate status. There are, however, limited data on cases and circumstances in which ethics consultants recommend not offering cardiopulmonary resuscitation despite patient or surrogate requests and whether physicians follow these recommendations. This was a retrospective cohort of all adult patients at a large academic medical center for whom an ethics consult was requested for disagreement over DNR status. Patient demographic predictors of ethics (...)
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    Sir Ian McKellen & Sir Thomas More: Men of Conscience.Andrew M. McLean - 2005 - Moreana 42 (3):71-78.
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  7. Material through and through.Andrew M. Bailey - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (8):2431-2450.
    Materialists about human persons think that we are material through and through—wholly material beings. Those who endorse materialism more widely think that everything is material through and through. But what is it to be wholly material? In this article, I answer that question. I identify and defend a definition or analysis of ‘wholly material’.
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    Infants aren't biased toward fearful faces.Andrew M. Herbert, Kirsten Condry & Tina M. Sutton - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e65.
    Grossmann's argument for the “fearful ape hypothesis” rests on an incomplete review of infant responses to emotional faces. An alternate interpretation of the literature argues the opposite, that an early preference for happy faces predicts cooperative learning. Questions remain as to whether infants can interpret affect from faces, limiting the conclusion that any “fear bias” means the infant is fearful.
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  9. The Priority Principle.Andrew M. Bailey - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (1):163-174.
    I introduce and argue for a Priority Principle, according to which we exemplify certain of our mental properties in the primary or non-derivative sense. I then apply this principle to several debates in the metaphysics and philosophy of mind.
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    Youth asks, does God still speak?Andrew M. Greeley - 1970 - Camden, N.J.,: T. Nelson.
  11. In defense of flip-flopping.Andrew M. Bailey & Amy Seymour - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13907-13924.
    Some incompatibilists about free will or moral responsibility and determinism would abandon their incompatibilism were they to learn that determinism is true. But is it reasonable to flip-flop in this way? In this article, we contend that it is and show what follows. The result is both a defense of a particular incompatibilist strategy and a general framework for assessing other cases of flip-flopping.
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  12. Animalism.Andrew M. Bailey - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (12):867-883.
    Among your closest associates is a certain human animal – a living, breathing, organism. You see it when you look in the mirror. When it is sick, you don't feel too well. Where it goes, you go. And, one thinks, where you go, it must follow. Indeed, you can make it move through sheer force of will. You bear, in short, an important and intimate relation to this, your animal. So too rest of us with our animals. Animalism says that (...)
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  13. Cooperation, psychological game theory, and limitations of rationality in social interaction.Andrew M. Colman - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):139-153.
    Rational choice theory enjoys unprecedented popularity and influence in the behavioral and social sciences, but it generates intractable problems when applied to socially interactive decisions. In individual decisions, instrumental rationality is defined in terms of expected utility maximization. This becomes problematic in interactive decisions, when individuals have only partial control over the outcomes, because expected utility maximization is undefined in the absence of assumptions about how the other participants will behave. Game theory therefore incorporates not only rationality but also common (...)
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    How standardized must a code be to be useful?Andrew M. Riggsby - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e251.
    If, as it appears, failure of standardization blocks the rise of general-purpose ideography, then a more precise characterization of “standardization” should help illuminate aspects of the process. Comparison is made with several histories of standardization to outline relevant dimensions and thresholds. This line of inquiry is particularly important for the forward-looking question of whether such ideography can ever arise.
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  15. The Feeling Animal.Andrew M. Bailey & Allison Krile Thornton - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7:554-567.
    For good or for ill, we have animal bodies. Through them, we move around, eat and drink, and do many other things besides. We owe much – perhaps our very lives – to these ever-present animals. But how exactly do we relate to our animals? Are we parts of them, or they of us? Do we and these living animals co-inhere or constitute or coincide? Or what? Animalism answers that we are identical to them. There are many objections to animalism, (...)
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    Conscious and subconscious arm movements: Application of signal detection theory to motor control.Andrew M. Gordon & David A. Rosenbaum - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):214-216.
  17.  44
    Manuscript evaluation by journal referees and editors: Randomness or bias?Andrew M. Colman - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):205-206.
  18.  10
    Knowledge and Social Construction.Andrew M. Koch - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In Knowledge and Social Construction Andrew Koch asks: how can we know the absolute best path through politics toward a better society? We can't. However, if our claims to social knowledge are more hypothetical in nature than absolute the resultant society will be more open.
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    Assessing Decision-Making Capacity: A Primer for the Development of Hospital Practice Guidelines.Andrew M. Siegel, Anna S. Barnwell & Dominic A. Sisti - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (2):159-168.
    Decision making capacity (DMC) is a fundamental concept grounding the principle of respect for autonomy and the practice of obtaining informed consent. DMC must be determined and documented every time a patient undergoes a hospital procedure and for routine care when there is reason to believe decision making ability is compromised. In this paper we explore a path toward ethically informed development and implementation of a hospital policy related to DMC assessment. We begin with a review of the context of (...)
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    Prisoner's Dilemma, Chicken, and mixedstrategy evolutionary equilibria.Andrew M. Colman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):550-551.
    Mealey's interesting interpretation of sociopathy is based on an inappropriate two-person game model. A multiperson, compound game version of Chicken would be more suitable, because a population engaging in random pairwise interactions with that structure would evolve to an equilibrium in which a fixed proportion of strategic choices was exploitative, antisocial, and risky, as required by Mealey's interpretation.
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    When Exclusion Criteria Are Appropriate.Andrew M. Courtwright - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):158-160.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 158-160.
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    Cdc20 turnover rate: A key determinant in cancer patient response to anti‐mitotic therapies?Andrew M. Fry - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):762-762.
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  23. Nature in Process: Organic Proposals in Philosophy, Society and Religion.Andrew M. Davis, Maria-Terisa Teixeira & Andrew Schwartz (eds.) - 2022 - Process Century Press.
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    State Responses to the Opioid Crisis.Andrew M. Parker, Daniel Strunk & David A. Fiellin - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):367-381.
    This paper focuses on the most common state policy responses to the opioid crisis, dividing them into six broad categories. Within each category we highlight the rationale behind the group of policies within it, discuss the details and support for individual policies, and explore the research base behind them. The objective is to better understand the most prevalent state responses to the opioid crisis.
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    The relationship between Medicare's process of care quality measures and mortality.Andrew M. Ryan, James F. Burgess, Christopher P. Tompkins & Stanley S. Wallack - 2009 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 46 (3):274-290.
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    Therapeutic Discipline? Reflections on the Penetration of Sites of Control by Therapeutic Discourse.Andrew M. Jefferson - 2003 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (1):55-73.
    This article addresses the way in which therapeutic practice in an English prison creates conditions whereby both prisoners and prison officers are caught up in networks and relationships of power that contribute to the constitution of particular subjects. The development of therapeutic practice, in relation to prisons and probation, is described and contextualised. Subsequently, the practices of group therapy in operation at Grendon prison - a rather unique institution built on principles of therapeutic community – are analysed with a focus (...)
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    Poststructuralism and the Politics of Method.Andrew M. Koch - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    Poststructuralism and the Politics of Method examines the political possibilities emerging with poststructuralist epistemology. Beginning with the premises for the construction of knowledge claims, Koch explores the dimensions of materialism, democracy, power, leftist politics, and other themes emerging from the this twentieth century philosophic movement.
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  28. The Moral Landscape of Monetary Design.Andrew M. Bailey, Bradley Rettler & Craig Warmke - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (11):1-15.
    In this article, we identify three key design dimensions along which cryptocurrencies differ -- privacy, censorship-resistance, and consensus procedure. Each raises important normative issues. Our discussion uncovers new ways to approach the question of whether Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies should be used as money, and new avenues for developing a positive answer to that question. A guiding theme is that progress here requires a mixed approach that integrates philosophical tools with the purely technical results of disciplines like computer science and (...)
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    The Devil, you say!Andrew M. Greeley - 1974 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
  30.  90
    Love is not enough: Other-regarding preferences cannot explain payoff dominance in game theory.Andrew M. Colman - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):22-23.
    Even if game theory is broadened to encompass other-regarding preferences, it cannot adequately model all aspects of interactive decision making. Payoff dominance is an example of a phenomenon that can be adequately modeled only by departing radically from standard assumptions of decision theory and game theory – either the unit of agency or the nature of rationality. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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  31. Generic Animalism.Andrew M. Bailey & Peter van Elswyk - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (8):405-429.
    The animalist says we are animals. This thesis is commonly understood as the universal generalization that all human persons are human animals. This article proposes an alternative: the thesis is a generic that admits of exceptions. We defend the resulting view, which we call ‘generic animalism’, and show its aptitude for diagnosing the limits of eight case-based objections to animalism.
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  32. Poststructuralism and the epistemological basis of anarchism.Andrew M. Koch - 1993 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 23 (3):327-351.
    This essay identifies two different methodological strategies used by the proponents of anarchism. In what is termed the "ontological" approach, the rationale for anarchism depends on a particular representation of human nature. That characterization of "being" determines the relation between the individual and the structures of social life. In the alternative approach, the epistemological status of "representation" is challenged, leaving human subjects without stable identities. Without the possibility of stable human representations, the foundations underlying the exercise of institutional power can (...)
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    What Kind of Cognitive Technology Is the “Memory House”?Andrew M. Riggsby - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Ancient Roman “technical memory” is not (as much of the modern specialist literature would have it) a generative technology of association. Rather it is (as a literal reading of the texts would suggest) a specialized tool for precise serial recall. Modern experimental evidence both confirms the fitness for the purpose of the technique and shows why that purpose is not trivial, as some have suggested. While the mechanism(s) by which the technique operates are not fully understood, a review of the (...)
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    Justice, health, and status.Andrew M. Courtwright - 2007 - Theoria 54 (112):1-24.
    Philosophical and political discussions of health inequalities have largely focused on questions of justice. The general strategy employed by philosophers like Norman Daniels is to identify a certain state of affairs—in his case, equality of opportunity—and then argue that health disparities limiting an individual's or group's access to that condition are unjust, demanding intervention. Recent work in epidemiology, however, has highlighted the importance of socioeconomic status in creating health inequalities. I explore the ways in which theories of justice have been (...)
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    Negative decision outcomes are more common among people with lower decision-making competence: an item-level analysis of the Decision Outcome Inventory (DOI).Andrew M. Parker, Wändi Bruine de Bruin & Baruch Fischhoff - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:132805.
    Most behavioral decision research takes place in carefully controlled laboratory settings, and examination of relationships between performance and specific real-world decision outcomes is rare. One prior study shows that people who perform better on hypothetical decision tasks, assessed using the Adult Decision-Making Competence (A-DMC) measure, also tend to experience better real-world decision outcomes, as reported on the Decision Outcomes Inventory (DOI). The DOI score reflects avoidance of outcomes that could result from poor decisions, ranging from serious (e.g., bankruptcy) to minor (...)
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    (1 other version)Some Benefits of Getting It Wrong.Andrew M. Winters - 2015 - Aapt Studies in Pedagogy 1:179-190.
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    Symbolic, Indexical, and Iconic Communication with Domestic Dogs.Andrew M. Olney - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (24).
    Recent studies in canine communication are reviewed using Deacon’s framework of iconic, indexical, and symbolic reference. The presented analysis examines these studies using Deacon’s notion of interpretant, taking into account the evolutionary and perceptual capacities of the dog. By taking these dispositions and capacities into account, the conclusions that have been drawn in current studies of canine communication with respect to Deacon’s framework are critically evaluated. The analysis proceeds by investigating clusters of studies that align with symbolic, indexical, or iconic (...)
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    Team reasoning cannot be viewed as a payoff transformation.Andrew M. Colman - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (1):1-11.
    In a recent article in this journal, Duijf claims to have proved that team reasoning can be viewed as a payoff transformation. His formalization mimics team reasoning but ignores its essential agency switch. The possibility of such a payoff transformation was never in doubt, does not imply that team reasoning can be viewed as a payoff transformation, and makes no sense in a game in which payoffs represent players’ utilities. A theorem is proved here that a simpler and more intuitive (...)
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  39. Human beings among the beasts.Andrew M. Bailey & Alexander R. Pruss - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (3):455-467.
    In this article, we develop and defend a new argument for animalism -- the thesis that we human persons are human animals. The argument takes this rough form: since our pets are animals, we are too. We’ll begin with remarks on animalism and its rivals, develop our main argument, and then defend it against a few replies.
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  40. Superstition, ecstasy and tribal consciousness.Andrew M. Greeley - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    If I want to perform better, then how should I feel?Andrew M. Lane - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):130-136.
    Research indicates that emotions are predictive of sports performance. The application of emotion research to practice is that intervention strategies can be used to change emotions to enhance performance. The present study examined emotional profiles associated with successful performance. A review of studies indicate that there are general trends, that is, high activation emotions such as excitement and vigor tend to associate with good performance and low activation unpleasant emotions such as depression and dejection tend to associate with poor performance. (...)
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    American Perspectives : Thomas More in Kalamazoo.Andrew M. McLean - 1980 - Moreana 17 (Number 67-17 (3-4):73-75.
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  43. Bilateral symmetry detection: Testing a'callosal'hypothesis.Andrew M. Herbert If & G. Keith Humphrey - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--463.
  44.  12
    Companion Encyclopedia of Psychology: 2-Volume Set.Andrew M. Colman (ed.) - 1994 - Routledge.
    Psychology plays an increasingly important role in today's society. Its influence can be seen all around us - be it in the home, the workplace, the school or our private lives. A uniquely diverse discipline, it ranges from social psychology to biological aspects of behaviour, and from basic research to the applied professions. This _Companion Encyclopedia_ covers all these main branches of psychological research and professional practice. The thematic arrangement is the result of the Editor's extensive research into syllabi, from (...)
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  45. Changing Concepts of ‘The University’ and Oxford’s Governance Debates, 1850s–2000s.Andrew M. Boggs - 2015 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões (eds.), Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Legal Ethics, Moral Agency and Professional Autonomy: The Unbearable Ethics of Being (a Legal Executive).Andrew M. Francis - 2007 - Legal Ethics 10 (2):131-153.
  47.  17
    What is Psychology?Andrew M. Colman - 1999 - Routledge.
    This clear and lively introduction to psychology assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. Extensively revised and updated, this third edition describes psychology as it is taught at universitues. Examples are used throughout to illustrate fundamental ideas, with a self-assessment quiz focusing readers' minds on a number of intriguing psychological problems. The differences betwen psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis are explained, and the professions and careers associated with psychology are explored. Suggestions for further reading and useful internet sites are included.
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    Dorosh, Paul and Shahidur Rashid : Food and agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and policy challenges: IFPRI & University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2012, 346 pp, ISBN 978-0-8122-4529-5.Andrew M. Simons - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):329-330.
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    Mercury’s Wings: Exploring Modes of Communication in the Ancient World ed. by F. S. Naiden, Richard J. A. Talbert.Andrew M. Riggsby - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):581-582.
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  50. Why Composition Matters.Andrew M. Bailey & Andrew Brenner - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (8):934-949.
    Many say that ontological disputes are defective because they are unimportant or without substance. In this paper, we defend ontological disputes from the charge, with a special focus on disputes over the existence of composite objects. Disputes over the existence of composite objects, we argue, have a number of substantive implications across a variety of topics in metaphysics, science, philosophical theology, philosophy of mind, and ethics. Since the disputes over the existence of composite objects have these substantive implications, they are (...)
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